Europe Cruise Ports

Europe, known as the old continent, is a treasure trove of new experiences. Whatever you want, you’ll find it here. And, needless to say, history lives here, too. Explore lavish monuments in Lisbon, the southern grandeur of Seville, Gothic Barcelona, and a string of sunbathed Mediterranean nations. Make your way up to England and Scandinavia where Vikings once roamed. Europe is a place for exploration in every sense. Sample varied delicious tapas in Bilbao, sip fine Italian wines in Florence, and try surströmming (fermented Baltic Sea herring) in Stockholm. Your palate is sure to be as entertained as your eyes. Wind down in Rome while you enjoy a true Italian espresso with the Coliseum as your backdrop. Mingle with international celebrities in Cannes and contemplate the European crossroads, while having lunch at a medieval plaza in Malta. And of course, enjoy the vibrant beaches of one long and diverse coast. From the temperate waters of Valencia, to the ancient castles and local pubs of Ireland for a pint of Guinness. Cruising this region is a delightful learning experience. Our Europe ports of call are waiting for you.

Europe Ports

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